➡ The Fern plant has underground stem, rhizome. 

➡ From the lower region of rhizome fibrous roots are produced. 

➡ From the upper region of rhizome leaves are produced. 

➡ The leaves are pinnately compound or sometimes bipinnately compound. 

Each leaf consists of two parts, lower Stalk and upper leafy portion, called Frond. The stem and leaf petiole are covered with numerous brownish scales, called Rementa. The mature leaves are known as sporophylls. These sporophyllus produce dark brown sori, which are the groups of sporengia. 


This class consists of a group of plants, commonly known as ferns. They are world wide in tyheir distribution. They grow in different habitats. Mostly they are found in moist and shady places. 


⭐Life Cycle⭐

The life cycle of Fern is complete in two stages. 

(1) Sporphytic stage 

(2) Gametophytic stage. 

It shows alternation of generations.