What is a Karela Plants?

Karela is a green plants, which a yellow flowers and green leaves. Karela is a tropical and subtropical vine of the family Cucurbitaceae, widely grown in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean for its edible fruit. It's many varieties differ substantially in the shape and bitterness of the fruit. 

Scientific name of Karela? 

The scientific name of Karela is Momordica Charantia. 


Bitter melon. 

Family ------- Cucurbitaceae 
Order -------- Cucurbitales 
Kingdom ------- Plantae. 

Benefits of Karela plant?

 It has been traditionally used to treat diabetes. Karela contains a chemical that acts like insulin to help reduce blood sugar levels. People commonly used Karela for diabetes, osteoarthritis, athletic performance, and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses. 

(1) They are decrease cholesterol levels 

(2) They have can helps reduce blood sugar 

(3) They are may Aid weight loss 

(4) which they are versatile and delicious 

(5) Karela is a great source of several key nutrients 

(6) May have Cancer - Fighting properties 

(7) Packs several important nutrients. 

Useas of Karela plants? 

1. What is a Karela good for? 

Karela is rich in antioxidants and vitamins A and C, which are good for the skin. It reduces ageing and fights acne and skin blemishes. It is useful in treating various skin infections like ringworm, psoriasis and itching. Karela juice adds lustre to the hair and combats dandruff, hair loss, and split ends. 

2. Karela good source? 

It provides folate, which is essentially for growth and development as well as smaller amounts of potassium, Zinc, and Iron. Karela plants is a good source of catechin, gallic acid, epicatechin and chlorogenic acids, to powerful antioxidants compounds that can help protect your cells against damage. 

3. Karela juice good for diabetes? 

This juice is rich fiber, folate and potassium and loaded with vitamin C. This juice is also loaded with specific types of antioxidants. Plus because it has a low glycemic index, pomegranate juice is a good option for those with diabetes. 

4. Karela plants good for cholesterol? 

The anti - diabetic properties of Karela make it a popular health drink with those who are at risk of diabetes or diabetic. However, what most of us are not aware of the cholesterol -lowering properties of Karela. Yes, Karela is a good for people with hypercholesterolmia or high cholesterol levels. 

What is a plants of Karela? 

Plants :

Growing Karela plants where day time temperature average between 75 and 80°F (24-31°C). Plant Karela in late spring or early summer. Sow seeds outdoors or set out transplants no sooner than two to three weeks after all danger of frost has passed and the soil has warmed to at least 60 to 65°F (15-18°C). 

Preparation of Karela plants? 

To prepare the Karela cut in half lengthwise. Remove and discard the seeds using a small metal spoon. Cut on the diagonal into 1/3 inch slices. Degorge the Karela plants by sprinkling Salt over the slices and placing them in a colander to drain for 15 to 20 minutes.