What is a Achyranthes plant? What is a benefits of Achyranthes plant? What is a scientific classification? What is a description of Achyranthes plant? What is a common name of Achyranthes plant? Achyranthes plant where found? What is a family of Achyranthes plant? What is Achyranthes plant used for? Define seeds and Morphology?
Achyranthes plant : Achyranthes plant is a species of plant in the family Amaranthaceae. It is a distributed throughout the tropical world. The colours of thise plants which green. Big long leaves of this plant. It can be found in many places in the earth. Benefits of Achyranthes Plant : Achyranthes plant Aspera juice has ropan, anti-inflammatory properties therefor, it is used in Ulcer wounds for faster healing. Achyranthes plant root paste and juice help to lower the pain reduce itching, skin rashes in insect bites and urticaria when applied topically and helpfully in earache. Scientific classification : Order: Caryophyllales Genus: Achyranthes Family: Amaranthaceae. Description of Achyranthes plant : Habit: A wild perennial, erect herbaceous. Stem: Herbaceous but woody below, erect, branched cylindrical, solid, angular, hairy, longitudinally striated nodes. Leaves: Ramal and cauline, simple, exstipulate, opposite decussate, percolate ovate or...
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