What is Tomato?What is a Example? Tomato Plant (ٹماٹر)
What is this? A glossy red, or occasionally yellow, pulpy edible fruit that is eaten as a vegetable or in salad. American plants of the nightshade family that produces the tomato. It is widely grown as a cash crop and many varieties have been developed. For Example: I make salad with avocados, tomato, lettuce and spring onions, with an olive oil and red wine dressing. More About: The members of this family are found in tropical and temperate regions of the world. This family including about 85 to 2200 genera species. See More: Usually plants are herbs. They are also creeping and climbing vines. Sometimes shrubs and rarely trees. Top root system, branched. Erect herbaceous branched hairy or prickly. Underground in potato forming tubers. The vegetative regions but opposite in the floral region. Same important plants: (1) Potato plant (2) Bringal plant (3) Tomato plant (4) Queen of night plant (5) Tobacco plant
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