Achyranthes plant :

Achyranthes plant is a species of plant in the family Amaranthaceae. It is a distributed throughout the tropical world. The colours of thise plants which green. Big long leaves of this plant. It can be found in many places in the earth. 

Benefits of Achyranthes Plant :

Achyranthes plant Aspera juice has ropan, anti-inflammatory properties therefor, it is used in Ulcer wounds for faster healing. Achyranthes plant root paste and juice help to lower the pain reduce itching, skin rashes in insect bites and urticaria when applied topically and helpfully in earache. 

Scientific classification :

Order: Caryophyllales 

Genus: Achyranthes 

Family: Amaranthaceae. 

Description of Achyranthes plant :

Habit: A wild perennial, erect herbaceous. 

Stem: Herbaceous but woody below, erect, branched cylindrical, solid, angular, hairy, longitudinally striated nodes. 

Leaves: Ramal and cauline, simple, exstipulate, opposite decussate, percolate ovate or oboves, entire, acute or acuminate, hairy all over, unicostate reticulate. 

Common name of Achyranthes plant :

Prickly Chaff flower.

Where found Achyranthes plant :

Achyranthes plant is widespread through the tropics and subtropics of Pakistan, Europe, Africa, Australia, Asia and the America. 

Achyranthes Family :

Amaranthaceae is a family of flowering plants commonly known as the amaranthus. It includes the former goosefoot family chenopodiaceae and containing about 165 genera and 2040 species. 

Achyranthes plant Uses :

Achyranthes Acpera is used in the treatment of boils, Asthma in facilities delivery, bleeding, bronchitis, debilitating, dropsy, cold, scorpion bite, dysentery, leukoderma, renal complications, pneumonia and skin diseases. 

Achyranthes plant Seed :

Achyranthes plant and seeds are rich in carbohydrates, proteins and bioactive constitution such as flavonoids, tannis, and saponins that help maintain an individual overall health. 

Achyranthes plant Morphology :

Achyranthes plant is an erect, something sprawling, long lived herb which can grow up to 2 m tall, with stems becoming woody at the base. It's short stalked leaves are opposites, simple and egg -shaped they can be densely to sparsely hairy and are dark green above and paler below, with young leaves often silvery.