Adiantum is a common wild fern. It grows on moist and shady places. It is world wide in distribution.



 Group ---------- Petridophyta 

Class ----------- Pteropsida 

Order ----------- Pteridales 

Family ---------- Adiantaceae 

Genus ---------- Adiantum


The plant body is a sporophyte. It is differentiated into root, stem and leaves. The stem is under ground in the form of a rhizome. The rhizome is a creeping and grows very near the soil surface. It is covered by scale-leaves, called Palea. The rhizome also has bases of old leaves, called Rementa. From the lower side of rhizome numerous adventitious branched roots are arised. The leaves are large and compound, alternate or spiral in arrangement. The leaf is divided into many leaf-lets, called Pinnae, it is called pinnate leaf, when ech pinna gain divided into small leaflets, it is known as bipinnate leaf. 


          Life Cycle 

The life cycle of Adiantum is completed in two distinckt stages i-e. It shows alternation of generations process. The first stage of the life cycle is sporophyte and another is called gemetophyte. 
