What is a Mediterranean Cypress Tree? What is a scientific name of Mediterranean Cypress Tree? What is a uses of Mediterranean Cypress Tree? What is a size of Mediterranean Cypress Tree?
This is a long lived tree, the colors of leaves is a green, the stem is a brown color. It a very long lived with some trees reported to be over 1000 years old.
Cupressus sempervirens is a species of Cypress native to the eastern Mediterranean region.
The foliage grows in dense sprays, dark green in colour. The leaves are scale like 2 to 5 mm long, and produced on rounded shoots. The seeds cones are ovoid or oblong 25 to 40 mm long, with 10 to 14 scales. It is a moderately susceptible to Cypress canker, caused by the fungus.
It is a also known as the churchyard Cypress from being often found standing surrounding a graveyard.
What is a scientific name of Mediterranean Cypress?
Scientific name: Cupressus sempervirens
Family: Cupressaceae
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Pinales.
What is a uses of Mediterranean Cypress Tree?
Mediterranean Cypress has been widely cultivated is an ornamental tree for millennia away from its native range, mainly throughout the whole Mediterranean region, and in other areas with similar hot, dry summers and mild, rainy winters, including California, Southwest South Africa and Southern Australia.
It can be grown successful in areas with cooler, moister summers, such as the British Isles, New Zealand and the Pacific Northwest, Washington and British Columbia.
What is a size of Mediterranean Cypress Tree?
A very long and big size of these tree.The Italian Cypress is an evergreen tree that can be grown up to 115 ft tall and 10 ft wide. However the tree usually averages 50 feet in height and 3 feet in width. The Italian Cypress has a dense columnar crown and is symmetrical in shape.
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👉 The members of this family are found in tropical and temperate regions of the world.This family includes about 85 genera and 2200 species. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ⭐⭐Class⭐⭐ Dicotyledons ⭐⭐Series⭐⭐ Bicarpellatae ⭐⭐Order⭐⭐ Palimoniales ⭐⭐Family⭐⭐ Solanaceae ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Body Contain ➡ The body consisting of many parts, naming as following. 👉 Stem, Branched, Roots, Leaf, Fruit, seeds and Flowering. 👉 The colour of leaf is green. 👉 The color of seed is red. 👉 Other important parts as; 👉 Ovary, Style, Stigma, Sepal, Thalamus and Petal. 👉 So these plants are distributed . 👉 Slowly growing up. 👉 And usually by a medical treatmen...
What is this? A glossy red, or occasionally yellow, pulpy edible fruit that is eaten as a vegetable or in salad. American plants of the nightshade family that produces the tomato. It is widely grown as a cash crop and many varieties have been developed. For Example: I make salad with avocados, tomato, lettuce and spring onions, with an olive oil and red wine dressing. More About: The members of this family are found in tropical and temperate regions of the world. This family including about 85 to 2200 genera species. See More: Usually plants are herbs. They are also creeping and climbing vines. Sometimes shrubs and rarely trees. Top root system, branched. Erect herbaceous branched hairy or prickly. Underground in potato forming tubers. The vegetative regions but opposite in the floral region. Same important plants: (1) Potato plant (2) Bringal plant (3) Tomato plant (4) Queen of night plant (5) Tobacco plant
➡ The Fern plant has underground stem, rhizome. ➡ From the lower region of rhizome fibrous roots are produced. ➡ From the upper region of rhizome leaves are produced. ➡ The leaves are pinnately compound or sometimes bipinnately compound. Each leaf consists of two parts, lower Stalk and upper leafy portion, called Frond. The stem and leaf petiole are covered with numerous brownish scales, called Rementa. The mature leaves are known as sporophylls. These sporophyllus produce dark brown sori, which are the groups of sporengia. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ This class consists of a group of plants, commonly known as ferns. They are world wide in tyheir distribution. They grow in different habitats. Mostly they are found in moist and shady places. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐Life Cycle⭐ The life cycle of Fern is complete in two stages. (1) Sporphytic stage (2) Gametophytic stage. It shows alternation of generations.