Digera plant :

Digera plant is a small plant which growth in the earth. It is an important medicinal herb belong to the family Amaranthaceae. It found as a weed throughout Pakistan and India. 

Digera plant is a an annual herb, growing to 20-70 cm tall. Though almost all of its parts are used in traditional system of medicines, leaves, roots and shoots are the most important parts which are used medicinally. 

Order: Caryophyllales 

Kingdom: Plantae 

Genus: Forssk. 

Benefits of Digera plant:

(1): It is used for food. 

(2): Animals and also used for food. 

(3): It is a very important plants for medicine. 

(4): Its always called vegetable by eating man and animals. 

(5): Seed and flowers used for treat urinary disorders. 

(6): Containing vitamin A. 

Seed and flowers:

The Digera plant seed and flowers always used for internally against digestive system disorders and Pakistan, India seeds and flowers are used to treat urinary disorders. Seeds as growth in the earth and commonly occur life cycle. And start a process of sunlight and water are used for growth. 


Digera muricata plant which has used for a food. Which is a small plant it also called vegetable. These are always used for eating. 
Other used for deasea, so these are used to treat urinary disorders.