
The Earthamus Oxylenth or compositae is one of the largest family of the flowering plants. It comprises about 950 genera and 22,000 species. They from more than 10% of the total number of species of flowering plants. These plants are distributed throughout the world. In Pakistan it is represented by about 139 genera 776 species. 



Division ------------------- Phanerogams
Sub-division ----------- Angiosperms 
Class ---------------------- Dicotyledons 
Sub-class ---------------- Gamopetalae 
Series ---------------------- Inferae 
Order ----------------------- Asterales 
Family -------------- Asteraceae (compositae)


Mostly annual or perennial herbs, some are shrubs, few are trees. Some are xerophytes or marshy plants, or climbers. 


Tap-root, branched. In Dahlia the roots store food (tuberous) 


Herbaceous, erect, branched, hairy. In some plants woody, rarely climbing. 


Percolate, simple, rarely compound, alternate or opposite, hairy, reticulate venation. 


An achene ( one seeded achene is called Cypsela )


                      Non endospermic 

 Important plants of           this family 

               (1) Sunflower 🌻 
               (2) Artimisia 
               (3) Dahlia 
               (4) Lactuca sativa 
               (5) Chrysanthemum 


 Recemose head or capitulum. The inflorescence looks like a flower, but it is collection of many floret.