
A genus of tropical shrub or tree. 


Division :::::::::::::::::: Spermatophyta
Sub-division :::::::::: Angiosperms 
Class :::::::::::::::::::::: Dicotyledons 
Sub-class :::::::::::::: Polypetalae 
Series :::::::::::::::::::: Calyciflorae 
Order ::::::::::::::::::::: Rosales 
Family ::::::::::::::::::: Dodonaea 


The Dodonaea is also known as Pea-family. It is one of the largest families and considered as the most important one. It is includes about 550 genera and more than 12000 species. Habit this family includes herbs, shrubs and tree. Some plants are tendril like and climbers. 

   ⭐General characters⭐


Top-root, branched. 


Herbaceous or woody, erect or climber. In some plants the branches are modified into tendrils. 


 Simple or compound, alternate; may also be modified into tendrils. 


Pendicellate, complete, bisexual, zygomorphic, perigynous. 



⭐Economic Importance⭐

1: some plants of this family are used as oil material, such as growth plant. 

2: From groundnut oil is obtained which is used to manufacture banasapti ghee. 

3: Some plants are used as vegetables e.g. soyabean, pea. 

4: Some plants are used by animals as their food. 

5: From some plants dyes are obtained, such as Indigofara (Neel). 

6: Some plants are of ornaments value e.g. Clitoria. 

7: From Sisso tree wood is obtained which is used to make fumiture. 

Important Plants of           the family

 (1) Pisum sativum (Pea) 

(2) Lathyrus odoratus (Sweet pea) 

(3) Cicer arietinum (Gram) 

(4) Arachis hypogea (Ground nut) 

(5) Indigofara (Neel) 

(6) Dalbergia sisso (Sheesham) 

(7) Lathyrus apaca (Chelogan) 

(8) Medicogo (Shashpetare) 

(9) Resupinatum (Shawotal) 

(10) Glycememex (Sunflower)