What is a definition of Mulberry tree? What is a example of mulberry? What is a family? How is a mulberry tree? Explain fruit, seed, leaf, stem, roots and flower? (توت )
A small deciduous tree with broad leave, native to East Asia and long cultivated elsewhere. A dark red or purple color.
A mulberry carpet.
Trees or shrubs having milky juice; in some classifications includes genus Cannabis.
◀Mulberry Tree▶
Any of several trees of the genus Morus having edible fruit that resembles the blackberry.
The mulberry fruit sweet and fleshy product of a tree or other plant that contains seed and can be eaten as food. Produce fruit, typically at a specified time.
A mulberry seed flowering plants unit of reproduction, capable of developing into another such plant. A man's semen.Any of a number of stronger competitiors in a sports tournament who have been assigned a specified position in a ordered list with the aim of ensuring that they do not play each other in the early rounds.
A mulberry leaves flattened structure of a higher plant, typically green and yellow-greenish like that is attached to a stem directly or via a stalk. Leaves are the main organs of photosynthesis and transpiration. A thing that resembles a leaf in being flat and thin, typically something that is one of two or more similar items forming a set or stack.
A mulberry stem the main body or stalk of a plant or shrub, typically rising above ground but occasionally subterranean. A long thin supportive or main section of something. The root are main part of a noun, adjective or other word, to which inflections or formative elements are added.
The part of plants which attaches it to the ground or to a support, typically underground, conveying water (💧) and nourishment to the rest of the plant via numerous branches and fibers.
The seed-bearing part of plants, consisting of reproductive organs that are typically surrounded by a brightly colored corolla petals and a green sepals. Mulberry tree flowering color is white.
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👉 The members of this family are found in tropical and temperate regions of the world.This family includes about 85 genera and 2200 species. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ⭐⭐Class⭐⭐ Dicotyledons ⭐⭐Series⭐⭐ Bicarpellatae ⭐⭐Order⭐⭐ Palimoniales ⭐⭐Family⭐⭐ Solanaceae ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Body Contain ➡ The body consisting of many parts, naming as following. 👉 Stem, Branched, Roots, Leaf, Fruit, seeds and Flowering. 👉 The colour of leaf is green. 👉 The color of seed is red. 👉 Other important parts as; 👉 Ovary, Style, Stigma, Sepal, Thalamus and Petal. 👉 So these plants are distributed . 👉 Slowly growing up. 👉 And usually by a medical treatmen...
Achyranthes plant : Achyranthes plant is a species of plant in the family Amaranthaceae. It is a distributed throughout the tropical world. The colours of thise plants which green. Big long leaves of this plant. It can be found in many places in the earth. Benefits of Achyranthes Plant : Achyranthes plant Aspera juice has ropan, anti-inflammatory properties therefor, it is used in Ulcer wounds for faster healing. Achyranthes plant root paste and juice help to lower the pain reduce itching, skin rashes in insect bites and urticaria when applied topically and helpfully in earache. Scientific classification : Order: Caryophyllales Genus: Achyranthes Family: Amaranthaceae. Description of Achyranthes plant : Habit: A wild perennial, erect herbaceous. Stem: Herbaceous but woody below, erect, branched cylindrical, solid, angular, hairy, longitudinally striated nodes. Leaves: Ramal and cauline, simple, exstipulate, opposite decussate, percolate ovate or...
➡ The Fern plant has underground stem, rhizome. ➡ From the lower region of rhizome fibrous roots are produced. ➡ From the upper region of rhizome leaves are produced. ➡ The leaves are pinnately compound or sometimes bipinnately compound. Each leaf consists of two parts, lower Stalk and upper leafy portion, called Frond. The stem and leaf petiole are covered with numerous brownish scales, called Rementa. The mature leaves are known as sporophylls. These sporophyllus produce dark brown sori, which are the groups of sporengia. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ This class consists of a group of plants, commonly known as ferns. They are world wide in tyheir distribution. They grow in different habitats. Mostly they are found in moist and shady places. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐Life Cycle⭐ The life cycle of Fern is complete in two stages. (1) Sporphytic stage (2) Gametophytic stage. It shows alternation of generations.